Research Field

Research Field 1: Pathogens of medical interest

Study of pathogenicity mechanisms and virulence attributes from a cellular, physiological and molecular perspective of microorganisms of medical interest. Study of the resistance/susceptibility profile to classic antimicrobials and new therapeutic options. Development of techniques, methods and protocols aimed at detecting these agents.

Research Field 2: Etiopathology of human and animal diseases

Study of the basic aspects of the different diseases that affect humans and animals, with emphasis on the pathophysiological process, predisposing factors and lifestyle habits, seeking to improve laboratory diagnosis, understanding of the health/disease process and health promotion.

Research Field 3: Eco-epidemiology and disease control

The study of environmental and/or ecological factors that may determine or contribute to the human-environment imbalance, implying risks of disease and other problems for human beings, as well as mechanisms for controlling them.

Course objectives

General objective: to train qualified staff for teaching, research and professional practice.

Specific objectives:

● to train masters, PhDs and researchers in biosciences and pathophysiology, enabling them to practice scientific research;

● to train masters, PhDs and researchers trained to meet the demands of health teaching institutions;

● to promote an environment of discussion and understanding about diseases and illnesses that affect human beings in order to develop critical thinking in students, making them capable of improving and adapting to new trends in health.