Who we are


         The Graduate Program in Biosciences and Pathophysiology (PBF) was approved by the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement (CAPES) on November 6, 2002 through Official Letter/CTC/CAPES No. 371/2002 of November 25, 2002 and by the State University of Maringá through Resolution No. 251/2002-CEP of December 20, 2002, starting the activities of its first master's course on March 31, 2003.

          The doctorate course was recommended by CAPES on 28/10/2011 and began its activities in March 2012. The PBF began its activities with a grade 3 from CAPES and its first full three-year period evaluated was 2004-2006, continuing with a grade of 3. In the three-year period from 2007 to 2009, it underwent several reformulations and achieved a grade of 4/CAPES, and in the following three-year period (2010 to 2012) it was able to set up a PhD course, remaining with the same grade (grade 4/CAPES). In 2015, the first PhD defense occurred on PBF and the first class of this course completed its 48 months with a defense in February and March 2016. In the quadrennial evaluation for the years 2013-2016, the PBF received a score of 5 (five), demonstrating the evolution of the program, despite the youth of its PhD course.

             The PBF underwent a number of nomenclature changes until it reached its current name, effective as of November 2013, which was approved by the Interdepartmental Council of the College of Health Sciences (Opinion No. 025/2013-CI/CCS) and by the University Council on September 30, 2014 through Resolution No. 032/2013-COU.

            The current name "Graduate Program in Biosciences and Pathophysiology (PBF)", which was only changed after consultation with the Pharmacy Area coordinators in 2013, coherently accommodates the Program's teaching and research activities, given the scope of the lines of research, projects and, consequently, dissertations, theses and intellectual production, also taking into account the great interdisciplinarity of the Pharmacy Area.

        We now have the certainty of being represented by a name that encompasses all of the program's activities, and the choice was made cohesively and unanimously by the teaching staff, after years of reflection. The previous names were: Graduate Program in Clinical Analysis (03/2003-11/2008) and Graduate Program in Biosciences Applied to Pharmacy (12/2008-11/2013). Even after the changes, the Graduate Program in Biosciences and Pathophysiology continues to have one area of concentration and three research fields.

Area of concentration: Biosciences and Pathophysiology Applied to Pharmacy